#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2019-08-13

*** mord is now known as Guest8823008:34
henkI get the impression that the problem with the proximity sensor on my jolla1 is related to the yellowish discoloration in the top right display area, as described in https://together.jolla.com/question/45086/screen-on-phone-has-a-yellowish-burn-defect/. the display cover also seems to be raised in that corner. it’s not evenly "connected" to the frame as it is in the other corners. can other jolla109:30
henkusers confirm?09:30
henkwhat’s a bit "funny" about that: the display doesn’t (always) come on on notifications like the alarm clock or calendar reminders. my workaround is to "breathe" on the proximity sensor, so it looks like I’m shutting down my phone’s alarm with my halitosis …09:33
r0kk3rzprox sensors can be like that09:40
r0kk3rzbut it does sound particular to your device09:41
spiiroinhenk: "not evenly connected to frame" + "breathing to sensor" = temporary fix of sorts -> sounds like what might expect when dust/fluff has accumulated under glass09:47
spiiroinhenk: there are some j1 specific pointers for things to check / possibly try under https://together.jolla.com/question/162852/solved-double-tap-stop-working/?answer=162860#post-id-16286009:48
henkspiiroin: doesn’t look like it. would I see that dust/fluff?09:49
spiiroinhenk: depends, probably amounts that are not really visible are enough to drive actual ir reflection values out of the expected ranges09:50
spiiroinhaving ting on screen could be culprit too, but that would not go away via blowing09:51
henkspiiroin: I checked those values some time age and they were as they should be IIRC. checked again now and this seems quite low: prox_th_min_default:10209:52
henkis there any way to clean that up?09:53
henki.e. the dust/fluff, not the value (:09:53
spiiroinIIRC those threshold min/max values are set per device at factory, large diff between min and max = it used to be good. but current situation = that raw polling value needs to have a clear difference when sensor is covered vs not & the values seen need to make sense vs those minmax values09:56
spiiroinI've not done such cleanup myself, but there are some people that have reported success in tjc, including in the discussion under the above link09:57
henkok, thank you09:58
cb400fI'm very close to ordering an XA2 Plus. I don't suppose there are any specific issues with it, that I might prefer the basic XA2 or Ultra?16:19
cb400fe.g. does SFOS look as purrrty as usual on the 18:9 format16:22
* cb400f wants16:31

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