#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-07-19

pXdhttps://together.jolla.com/question/209475/31011-jp1phone-app-ui-doesnt-show-up-for-about-20-s/ - can anyone confirm this issue?16:11
pXdi would like to update my J1 - but i need the ability to make and recieve phone calls (without any delays)...;)16:14
henk3.1.0.11 is a developer update, right?16:22
pXdyeah, it's the "early access"-update which was released some hours ago.16:24
pXdif you mean that with "developer update".16:25
henkpXd: in the settings, the option to get those is called "Enable developer updates". ok, then I can’t say anything about it. sorry for the noise.16:26
pXdah, that's something different. see -> https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202011863-How-to-enable-Developer-Mode - "The option "Enable developer updates" is available for Jolla staff and nomidated community testers (cbeta) only. Special credentials are required."16:31
pXdnvm. :)16:36
henkhum, ok. I don’t get the option to update to an "early access" version or here. it says "up to date" and "about product" shows
pXdbut you opted-in to the early access updates? if not, you can find more information here: https://together.jolla.com/question/79835/official-announcement-early-access-to-sailfishos-releases/16:43
henkah, no, I did not, thank you16:50
pXdnp. but be aware of the risks; early access updates are beta and might contain bugs. there is no direct way to downgrade to a previous version.16:53
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