#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-05-03

r0kk3rzchriadam: i heard you were down my neck of the woods over easter05:55
chriadamoh are you in Tassie?05:59
chriadamyeah I went to visit some wombats with my gf05:59
chriadamit was fantastic05:59
r0kk3rzoh nice!06:00
r0kk3rzso like mariah island?06:00
chriadamno, cradle mountain (also went down the east coast and spent a few days in Hobart also)06:01
r0kk3rzoh cool, its great up the north west06:01
chriadamwould have been nice to go to Mariah Island too but ... limited time.  maybe next time :-)06:02
chriadamyeah, it was absolutely stunning country06:02
chriadamso much water06:02
r0kk3rzwe do have a lot of lakes06:02
chriadamlots of texture, and character.  a bit chilly for my likings, but I'm soft :-P06:02
r0kk3rzyeah its a bit of a shock coming from more tropical regions06:03
r0kk3rzbut its really not that bad06:03
chriadamand delicious food and wine/whisky too.06:09
r0kk3rzglad you had a good tour06:10
chriadam:-)  cheers06:10
chriadamdid you get away over the easter break?06:11
r0kk3rza couple of day trips about the place but nothing too far06:12
r0kk3rzyou dont really need to travel that far out of hobart to get to somewhere nice06:12
chriadamtrue that06:14
chriadamnice one06:14
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault18:44

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