#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2019-04-17

*** roboro is now known as Guest8304408:49
pketoPSA: account.jolla.com is going to have a maintenance break for about 30-60 minutes, starting around 12:00 EEST. This will affect all services using Jolla account login, like store, shop, TJC, blog, etc.08:51
MarzannaHow do I crop a picture in Gallery app?09:59
tadzikif you tap it there's a menu iirc10:05
tadzikand if you press the pencil thingy there's an option to crop10:06
Marzannatadzik: thank you. But this is very... inconvenient.10:38
tadzikMarzanna: where would you rather have it?11:00
Marzannatadzik: I'd like to set crop area manually.11:43
MarzannaLike on... Android.11:43
tadzikah, I've no clue how android does that11:49
henkhow can I find out whether this bug has been fixed?  is there an actual bugtracker somewhere?  https://together.jolla.com/question/102020/bug-received-sms-mixed-together/14:42

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