#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2019-04-04

SmarI actually would like bigger one, (have the normal XA2), but this was cheap :)06:28
Smar(but I have big hands)06:28
FireFlythe XA2 is somewhat big to me, but in retrospect the N900 might be somewhat small... aboutN9/Jolla1 size is right for me I think06:34
henksince the last update my lock screen shows some weather information.  I never configured that and can’t find settings for it.  where do I configure it?  where do I turn that on/off?07:00
r0kk3rznot sure there is settings for it07:09
r0kk3rzother than uninstalling the weather app07:09
henkthat sounds … unsettling …07:14
Nicd-it sounds... unsettable07:15
henkwhere does it get the weather information?  what information does it send there?  e.g. what location?  I didn’t configure it, so how does it know what location to query wheather for?07:15
Nicd-check the weather app settings?07:18
r0kk3rz... whatever is set in the weather app07:18
r0kk3rzif you dont want it, uninstall it07:18
henk… really?  have you looked at these settings?  the only setting is "Temperature unit" …07:19
henkand it’s set to celcius, if you need to know, so I’m assuming it won’t send "US" as the location …07:19
henkI don’t want my phone to continuously send my location to a weather service and do not want the temperature in the lock screen.  I also don’t want to be surprised with new stuff that leaks personal information to an unknown service by an update.  If I was ok with such things, I would just use android.  I would like to have a weather app on my phone that I can open when I want to and that only sends07:21
henkinformation to a service when I use it.07:21
r0kk3rznot in the settings07:21
r0kk3rzopen the actual app07:21
henkr0kk3rz: I have 4 weather apps installed.  how do I know which one is responsible?  none of them are running …07:22
Nicd-it's called "Weather" I believe07:22
Nicd-it's made by Jolla07:22
henkI have two apps called "Weather" installed.  how do I figure out which one is the one made by jolla?07:23
r0kk3rzwhy on earth do you need 4 weather apps?07:24
Nicd-icon on second to last row here: http://geekpower.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/IMG_20150915_2420212141.jpg07:24
r0kk3rzthe jolla one says 'powered by foreca' in the main page07:24
Nicd-I think that's the Jolla weather app07:24
henkr0kk3rz: I don’t need them, I installed them to figure out which I like best.  and until the jolla app started just showing up on my lock screen, I liked it very much.07:25
henkNicd-: thanks07:26
henkr0kk3rz: yeah, it does, thanks07:26
Nicd-I believe the widget is removed if you uninstall the Jolla weather app. or you need to use patch manager or something07:26
henkthat is badly designed /-:07:27
r0kk3rzi dont think it sends your actual gps location, merely whatever its set to in the app07:28
henkr0kk3rz: yeah, that’s still constant information leakage without asking me beforehand.07:29
henkI don’t like having things like that suddenly turn on.  it feels like the privacy settings for facebook, linkedin, or google: with every update – some of which you are not even notified about – there are more settings that do not default to privacy-by-design.07:30
henkhttps://together.jolla.com/question/201081/how-do-i-remove-the-weather-from-lock-screen/ and https://together.jolla.com/question/197859/change-lock-screen/07:37
sledgesPSA: SFOS community collaboration meetup at #mer-meeting in 15mins (which will probably soon be renamed into sailfishos-meeting ;)08:45
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