#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-02-15

Hellehey, uuuuuh, my Jolla C seems to be hanging on it's update ?11:13
Helleas in the progress bar has illuminated like 2 pixels, but is stuck on that for 20 minutes now11:13
h4PPYC4THelle: so what was the outcome? did it continue eventually?12:39
Helleh4PPYC4T: nope, ended up doing a factory reset....12:41
h4PPYC4Toh - too bad. there might have been a way around that.12:43
h4PPYC4Tdid the device rebooted normally after you forced quit the update by removing the battery?12:44
Hellethat is why I ended up going the factory reset route12:45
h4PPYC4Ti see. ;)12:45
h4PPYC4Tsounds like a last resort then.12:45
Helleyeah, thankfully I could run a backup and honestly not too much special stuff on my phone12:46
Helleyep and now that same update is installing fine12:47
h4PPYC4Tat least something. :)12:48
h4PPYC4Twere you using any third party repos or patches?12:49
h4PPYC4Ti mean, before...12:49
Helleuuuuh, yeah, various things honestly though don't think I had any patches, but with how I'd been using it I had expected it to break at some point12:50
h4PPYC4Tthat's the downside of freedom...;)12:57
HelleYep, but at least recovery doesn't involve downloading dodgy images from weird websites12:58
h4PPYC4TIF the recovery mode does the job. factory image files are not public afaik...13:04
Helletrue, I mean the N900 had officially supplied recovery images and tools13:05
h4PPYC4THelle: yep. i guess the problem is/was that qualcomm is a bit overprotective about their IP.13:25
h4PPYC4Tat least more than Texas instruments.13:26
HelleSeem to recall TI only had issues with the DSPs and that was due to third party licensing (and why they where never fully supported on the N900)13:28
h4PPYC4Ti wish there would be more open hardware available - i mean open source os are nice, but if the drivers/modules for the hardware are closed/binary blobs, then it cripples the freedom a lot.13:34
Hellewell, I mean I just want to be able to run mainstream kernels13:36
Hellealso I want full baseband access, but the FCC's long claws are in part preventing that, even if you are in Europe13:37
mornfallHelle: try purism13:37
Hellemornfall: I know, but I also actually use my phones and tablets :P13:38
mornfallHelle: don't get too greedy13:38
mornfallit's the only device with a remote chance of being viable and running a mainline kernel13:38
mornfallsays here shipping starts in April13:40
mornfallHelle: it possibly wouldn't be too hard to port SFOS on it, though i don't think jolla is interested13:42
Hellemornfall: probably, I may be tempted13:43
HelleSFOS for me feels like a reasonable point though honestly, for all it's clunkiness there was a lot to say for the UI of Meego (it was less phone-like, which to me was an upside)13:43
HelleI go crazy when I try to use a phone with Android (it's okay on tablets)13:44
h4PPYC4Tandroid with google-services is pretty creepy, imho.13:51
Helleh4PPYC4T: oh, yeah, mine are always cleared of that....13:52
Hellebut I have tablets that do run Android (for lack of any other option really)13:52
Hellecleaned android, but Google Play Services is used by so many apps, or more accurately, so many claim they need it, but run fine without it (except push notifications)13:56
h4PPYC4Tyep. and there's microG - not sure how good it is tho', never tried, because i don't any android devices atm.13:58
h4PPYC4Tthere are a very few propritary android apps on my jolla phone nevertheless. spotify and netflix for example.14:02
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