#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2019-01-16

rigoHi all. I am at my 3rd Xperia X for a friend, but now the appstore doesn't contain aliendalvik for his account. He had already a jolla1. How can I influence that dalienalvik is again linked in the store?18:41
tadzikdoes he have his own sailfish x license?18:49
rigoyes, be back soon18:58
rigoback, yes the license has been acquired and installed, but it seems the phone can not access the packet for android compatibility19:20
tadzikI had that when my phone was stolen and I bought a new one to use Sailfish on19:20
tadzikthe license was IMEI-locked, so I had to ask jolla to transfer it for me19:21
rigotadzik: thanks, here it is a new phone but an old jolla account. So there shouldn't be an issue for jolla to transfer. It just looks like they haven't activated it19:28
tadzikrigo: yeah, could be19:29
rigotadzik: where did you complain? Zendesk?19:40
tadzikrigo: yeah19:41
rigoMerci! :)19:41
tadzikyw :) Hope they fix it up quickly. Took like a day in my case19:41

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