#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2019-01-01

louisdkA friend of mine runs Sailfish on his XA2 and is too experiencing issues doing calls. It has been reported here: https://together.jolla.com/question/195095/xperia-xa2-dual-sim-notes-on-sailfish3/ - but does it need at separate ticket to be tracked by Jolla?13:23
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault17:16
* pahartik_ had issue with "Jolla Mobile" device yesterday, it unexpectedly crashed while charging from "Thunderbolt USB" port during railway train journey, showed 3% charge for hours afterwards17:31
malhow did it behave after that?17:42
pahartik_mal: Seems to be running fine since17:44
pahartik_mal: I do not remember trying to charge anything from that port before, maybe mobile device did not like voltage or signaling of that USB port17:47
pahartik_mal: Most often I have used "YubiKey NEO" or SDHC card reader on that port, without noticeable issues17:49
malpahartik_: ok, could be some voltage issue18:13

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