#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2018-09-30

attahBro tip: eBay has 25% off on selected items, and there are XA2s among those18:06
attahExpires today though :(18:06
lpottercoderus:  I have an N9 in blue. does that count?20:15
coderuslpotter: nah, black and blue are not rare:)20:16
lpotterat one time, I did have a white N9 proto on my desk at nokia20:57
lpotterbut bluetooth did not work :)20:57
coderusGood times21:04
FireFlyHmm, apparently the XA2 dual-sim (H4113) has been on sale fairly frequently over the past year here... /me put in a notifier for if it goes on sale again21:30
FireFlythinking I'll get that as my J1 replacement21:31

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