#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2018-09-16

greg2the installation of the latest sailfish os update on my jollaphone started 2.5 h ago and it is still not finished, the progress bar is full, no reboot as usual, cannot reach via ssh, should i wait or should i remove the battery and restart?10:52
r0kk3rzyeah force restart it10:53
r0kk3rzit seems like something gets stuck at the end on this one10:53
greg2is softboot possible with POWER + VOL_UP?10:55
r0kk3rzi forget on the jphone10:56
r0kk3rzyou can try it10:56
greg2 i try :-)10:57
greg2it worked, everything works, THANKS A LOT!:-D11:02
SQUelcherSomeone just gave me a "brand new" Nokia N810.. even the protective foil (with lid to lift off) is still on the display..12:30
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