#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2018-09-12

*** imdeni is now known as deni09:08
Teguhi, has someone tried to stream RTSP with sailfish (jolla 1)? I didn't find any native application so I tried Endoscope and Spydroid from F-droid, but neither of them seem to work when I try to connect with VLC.14:21
TeguSpydroid doesn't show the camera preview either14:21
Teguis there a command line method (ffmpeg, gstreamer, or something else)?14:21
r0kk3rzyou might be able to construct a gstreamer incantation for it14:22
Tegutoo bad I've never used gstreamer so it looks a bit harder than those ready apps, but if that's what I have to do, then I'll go with it.14:23
Teguhmm, is there gst-launch for gstreamer 1.0? if yes, in which package? I only seem to have gst-launch-0.1014:33
Teguand it doesn't seem to have rtspsrc14:33
Teguif I looked correctly14:33
Tegufound it, the package name starts with gstreamer1.0-tools14:39
r0kk3rzso you want to show the video on the screen? that might be a bit tricky14:41
r0kk3rzgenerally speaking if gstreamer has the right plugins then something like lls video player should do it14:42
Teguno, I realized that rtspsrc is not what I want. I want to stream the camera's video over RTSP to a computer14:42
r0kk3rzoh ok14:42
r0kk3rzyeah so you want to do something with the droidcamsrc and camerabin214:43
r0kk3rzas a first step coming up with a recording pipeline is a good idea14:44
Teguwhich is really hard for me :D and I'm not sure if it's possible to make a rtsp server with gst-launch. I found this but it's a library https://github.com/GStreamer/gst-rtsp-server14:45
Teguthis gets way harder if I have to go to C as well..14:46
r0kk3rzTegu: is rtsp a hard requirement?14:51
Teguunfortunately, pretty much yes.. (an external software supports only it and HTTP.. oh wait. maybe HTTP would do as well although I guess its latency is higher)14:52
Tegunot sure what kind of HTTP streaming exactly14:52
r0kk3rzoh ok, ive done some stuff with webrtc is all14:53
r0kk3rzwhich is similar but different14:53
Teguyea, it's different. I found gst-streaming-server but I don't find it in repos.. so I'd have to try to compile it for sailfish14:56

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