#jollamobile log for Monday, 2018-09-10

*** kimmoli is now known as Guest4573006:44
*** Guest45730 is now known as kimmoli_06:48
*** kimmoli_ is now known as kimmoli06:49
SQUelcherHi. I've tried to upgrade my Jolla C to the latest firmware, now it is stuck in the flash screen with an empty progress bar for 15 minutes. :[07:57
SQUelcherShould i remove the battery?07:57
SQUelcherIt finally did something and complains about not enough free space to update. phew!...08:00
Nicd-complaining/asking on IRC always works!08:01
SQUelcherThat's why i joined the channel :]08:03
SQUelcherAh.. I've had an 6GB image file for an embedded board lying around in my homedir.. I didn't had a card reader for microsd and used my phone to copy it to the microsd card.. That explains the space problems...08:09
*** ecloud_away is now known as ecloud16:04

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