#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2018-07-21

KabouikI can't seem to format my µSD using the builtin Sailfish tool (Settings/Storage/Format to ext4), and I have no card reader for my computer. Is there a way to do that with command line to see what the issue is?09:34
KabouikOr can I access the µSD in the Jolla from SSH and format it from my computer using gparted?09:35
sakustarhttps://store.planetcom.co.uk/collections/gemini-pda/products/gemini-pda-1 someone got this?14:09
r0kk3rzsakustar: theres a few that bought that16:33
kimmolinot yet shipped...17:35
FireFlyA friend got one and liked it, I've been tempted by it18:35
FireFlyI need something to replace the jolla1 either way..18:35
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius20:39

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