#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-07-13

dcalisteHello, After a partial update, I cannot read MP3 anymore or look at video. Neither will play. It means also that I've lost ringing, alarms… The little sounds are still here though, like the clicking of pulley menus and I've checked with CSD that speaker is working.08:30
dcalisteI've reinstalled gstreamer packages in cases already. When I try "gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 path/to/mp3/file", it reports that I don't have decoder for application/x-id3.08:31
dcalisteI've tried to run it with gst-launch-1.0, but playbin2 doesn't exist for this version.08:32
dcalisteabranson, ^ sorry to disturb, maybe you may have some advices where to look at?08:33
abransondcaliste: which version are you on?08:34
abransondo you see mention of blacklisting in the output of 'gst-inspect-1.0'08:35
r0kk3rziirc theres a playbin308:36
dcalistegst-inspect-1.0 -b lists libgstvorbis.so, libgstogg.so libgstjpeg.so libgsttheora.so libgstpulseaudio.so…08:37
abransonthe total count at the end, with no args08:37
dcalister0kk3rz, gst-inspect-1.0 -a | grep playbin returns nothing :(08:38
dcalisteabranson: "Total count: 19 blacklisted files"08:38
abransonok, there shouldn't be anything blacklisted08:38
abransondo gst-inspect-1.0 of gst-droid08:39
abransongst-inspect-1.0 /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdroid.so08:39
dcalisteabranson: it is returning 6 features, 6 elements, including video decoder and audio decoder, video sink and camera source.08:40
dcaliste(droidadev, droidvdec, droidcamsrc, droid eglsink and droid{a,v}enc.08:41
abransonhmm so it's not droidmedia that's broken. some other elements08:42
abranson19 of them!08:42
abransonmaybe reinstall all the gstreamer packages. see if that helps08:42
abransonbut if you remove the gst registry and run gst-inspect again, it should tell you what's broke and why08:43
abransonit's in .cache/gstreamer-1.008:43
r0kk3rzabranson: didnt you put in normal mp3 decoder?08:43
abransonall as nemo, not root08:43
abransonr0kk3rz: yeah08:43
dcalisteI've already reinstalled gstreamer1.0, gstreamer1.0-droid, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, gstreamer1.0-tools08:44
dcalisteOk, I'm trying removing the cache.08:44
r0kk3rzyeah but blatting the registry is sometimes required08:44
r0kk3rzwhich is a pita08:44
dcalisteI'm wondering if there's not an issue, not from the userland with gstreamer, but lower in Android drivers or whatever if decoding is material accelerated.08:45
abransondcaliste: the inspect stuff suggests the problem is elsewhere08:45
abransongst-droid seems fine, and there are other blacklisted plugins08:46
dcalisteAh, good news, gst-inspect-1.0 -b returns now 0.08:46
dcalisteAnd I have a playbin3 plugin now also!08:46
abransoncool. didn't know about the -b though. that's useful!08:48
dcalisteI've tested playing video and mp3 files, it is working again. Will try ringing and alarm later but it should work ;)08:49
r0kk3rzi hope not too many people need to do this on upgrade08:52
r0kk3rzthat could be fun08:52
dcalisteThe full story is after interupted update and reboot, the speexdsp package was installed but file libspeexdsp.so was missing making pulseaudio failing to strat because of missing depency.08:53
dcalisteI've reinstalled then speexdsp, which solved the pulseaudio issue but gstreamer may have failed updating its registry then.08:53
abransonyeah once something gets blacklisted, it often doesn't get re-tested08:54
dcalisteIt's a shame that I didn't investigate the speexdsp missing file issue, because I thought rpm was atomic, while here package was clearly installed but file was missing.08:54
dcalisteSorry for the inconvenience and thanks a lot for helping me restoring this. I've learn new things, good!08:55
abransonmaybe if it was a dependency of it that was broken, reinstalling that dependency doesn't trigger reevaluation of the dependent element08:55
MarzannaDo any native cryptocurrency wallets for SFOS exist?21:00
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