#jollamobile log for Monday, 2018-06-11

juicemeNaranek, ping07:48
juicemeNaranek, AFAIK you are the author of RouteSkipper, right?07:49
juicemeRouteSkipper is an exellent tool and has been very valuable for me; however now that HSL has changed their API it no olnger works.07:50
juicemeI checked the new API and it looks pretty nice; the queries are very straightforward and it no longer even needs a registered API-key to use.07:51
juicemeNow I'd hate to see RouteSkipper go to dumps because of the deprecated API that was pulled last month, so do you have any plans on fixing it?07:52
juicemeI looked at the current implementation and there are as always 2 ways to fix it;07:52
juiceme1. Keep the current structure of the applcation and implement a new translation layer to use the improved HSL API07:53
juiceme2. change the application to directly use the new HSL API07:54
juicemewhich one is better, it depends. I checked how RouteSAkipper currently works but it is difficult to fish out what it exactly gets from the old API as it no longer works :(07:55
juicemeAny thoughts on that?07:55
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Naranekhi juiceme :)14:43
NaranekI'm the guy. Glad you liked it. It's been really useful for me too, but I've switched platforms so unfortunately I'm not planning on fixing it.14:44
Naranekit was my first (and only) project with these technologies so the architecture is not exactly ideal.14:45
NaranekThe basic idea is to get the timetable data from one api, then try guess which line it is in the real time api and get RT-data from there14:47
Naranekbut it's all written in javascript in the QML-layer (or what's it called) which I deeply regret and was planning on doing properly14:47
Naranekso maybe the best option would be to keep the UI if you like it, but rewrite the api calls in some sane way14:48
juicemeyes, as I was checking the code it does contain some peqularities indeed :)15:57
juicemebut the basic way RouteSkipper works is something I like; the way startplace and destination is searched and the different route possibilities presented.15:59
juicemeI could try to do some code cleanup and adaptation to the new API but it takes some time to unravel the data structures you have used.16:00
Trizthow do you do a version update over the rndis0 device?16:55
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