#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-06-08

pXd btw. i just noticed that on 2.2.0 "ping" needs root/su permission - isn't that weird?12:58
r0kk3rztheres a group you can add nemo to12:59
pXdhmm, interesting. seems as for ping busybox is used - why not iputils?  i'm just curious...13:17
pXdwas it always like that?13:18
cehtehping always needs privileges (or being installed suid) for generating raw/icmp packets13:24
pXdyes. i get that. but shouldn't be nemo allowed to ping? i bet that some apps rely on that - because it was working before 2.2.0 - as i said, i just noticed it and i'm wondering about why it was changed.13:30
*** Effilry is now known as FireFly13:55
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius18:46

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