#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2018-06-02

*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius06:49
hahlobtw was jolla 1 android device?07:30
Nicd-hahlo: what do you mean?07:52
hahloNicd-: was hardware soc for android usage07:56
hahloor was it designed to sailfish only07:57
Nicd-I think it was an Android phone design08:01
Nicd-and they used libhybris to run Sailfish on it08:01
hahlook I see08:08
r0kk3rz[m]Yeah it was09:36
r0kk3rz[m]They originally partnered with Ericsson to get a proper linux soc, but they bailed09:37
tbrwell, the STE soc was a horrible can of worms anyway. good riddance to it09:50
r0kk3rz[m]Yeah perhaps it was for the best09:53
*** zenvoid_ is now known as zenvoid17:00
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault21:50

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