#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2018-05-30

*** jjarven is now known as Guest8337200:39
hahloany unofficial kernel-images for sfos-x anywhere?07:25
r0kk3rzbuild one yourself?07:29
hahlois it possible?07:29
hahloI have mostly x86* kernel experience, short time I was part of hp ipaq linux team in 2002 ti omap tree, but this platform is strange to me, just compiling stock vanilla tree? does it boot? not any closed drivers?07:35
r0kk3rzyou need to use the xperia x kernel source07:37
r0kk3rzand of course theres plenty of closed drivers07:37
hahlothen it isn't much diffrent than stock android kernel, N9 had some openmode debian kernel07:39
r0kk3rzbut the xperia x isnt the N907:40
r0kk3rzxperia x was built as an android device07:40
*** ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh08:13
*** popey_ is now known as popey09:45
malhahlo: why do you want a different kernel image?10:32
hahlomal: no reason just wanted to test12:05
hahloI am bit bored, nothing to do :)12:06
malhahlo: ok, I have a custom kernel for private anbox testing, not much changes, only 3 patches12:26
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius14:36
*** Guest37885 is now known as zumbi14:49
*** tadzik1 is now known as tadzik16:02
attahhas anyone had any luck with USB ethernet adapters on SFOS? any suggestions on which one to get?20:02
r0kk3rzusb ethernet? whatever for?20:49
*** Irah_ is now known as Irah21:45

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