#jollamobile log for Monday, 2017-07-17

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gokart55for the time being, is aqua fish still a good buy? i'm worried about battery performance. Is there any hope in waiting for something new sporting sfos?03:20
gokart55i'm im India03:20
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tiwakegokart55: I bought one... it was pretty alright, but I kept it in my front pocket and the screen just kinda died04:18
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gokart55any other recommendations? maybe a device with a community port for under 10000rs or 200$? hopefully something that is likely able to last three years?06:05
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r0kk3rzthe aquafish is fine, battery seems ok to me but ymmv07:33
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gokart55okay. thank you07:41
gokart55maybe I was also thinking something like a xiaomi redmi device might be glod in terms of performance07:41
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r0kk3rzperformance is a bit tricky, some first-party sailfish devices perform better in some areas than ports with higher specs07:47
r0kk3rzsupport is definitely better with first-party devices with updates and the like07:47
gokart55okay. how is the aqua fish in terms of build quality?07:48
r0kk3rznot amazing, its a cheap device07:48
gokart55hmm, i will have a look at xda-developers site to research a bit about custom sfos ports07:50
r0kk3rzgokart55: do you want android support?07:52
gokart55it would be a welcome feature07:52
r0kk3rzthen you need a first party device, or wait for the xperia x image release07:54
gokart55ohh, ok. thanks a lot for telling me that or i might have overlooked it07:55
r0kk3rzyeah, bought sailfish and ported sailfish arent quite equivalent07:57
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gokart55r0kk3rz: can you give a little clarifcation, i've heard of software names like sfdroid and anbox which if i read correctly allow android app support on some devices. is that wrong?08:12
guhlgokart55, that is right in principle but at least sfdroid (that i tried to use for my motorola thea port) is very resource hungry (and not extremely stable)08:23
gokart55okay i see08:24
guhlit is not comparable to the alien-dalvik that ships on jolla devices08:24
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r0kk3rzyeah, they're experimental and in no way equivalent08:26
guhldid not try andbox, but i think the principle is the same, it runs a complete android in a container so i would assume that the memory hunger will be the same08:26
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r0kk3rzanbox has more people working on it, so it will hopefully improve quickly08:28
r0kk3rzrather than sfdroid which was a couple of guys hacking around08:28
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sebsebsebanyone aorund?10:27
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sebsebsebtbr: red or black hmm https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/youyota-sailfish-os-2-in-1-tablet#/10:36
tbrpink with white polka dots, clearly10:41
sebsebsebtbr: no seriosuly I am debatiing between red and black and not so sure now10:42
r0kk3rzdo you need the extra 32gb emmc?10:42
r0kk3rzare you willing to pay extra just because its red?10:43
Liekethere's also black with 64G10:43
r0kk3rzoh, so there is10:43
PeperJohnnyDoes anyone know or have a link on how to remove google play services from Jolla c?10:44
r0kk3rzthen like, idk flip a coin10:44
sebsebsebyeah its harad to go by images10:44
sebsebseblooks like the intel and salifsih os logos look better on the red going by image10:44
sebsebsebthan the black though10:44
r0kk3rzblack is boring, so go red10:44
sebsebsebalsos black is boring exacgly10:44
sebsebsebnearly all tech is black10:44
sebsebsebthat's what I am thinking10:44
kimmoliall tech is boring10:44
PeperJohnnyand red's easier to spot if you let it lying around somewhere ;)10:44
kimmolithere should be orange, so one could do voting in kokkisota10:45
sebsebsebaltough I am not so keen on red as a colour,  but firefox os phone is in orange/red  the back of my remix os ultra tablet is in red as well10:45
r0kk3rzsebsebseb: literally nobody can answer this for you, its your personal preference10:46
r0kk3rzbuy both, sell one10:46
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: I know10:46
sebsebsebI don't have enough money to buy both10:46
sebsebsebor right now10:46
sebsebsebI can do one just about in 4 days10:46
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: I know its perosnal choice, but seriously what one would you go for and why ?10:46
PeperJohnnyChen said that you will be able to order via indiegogo indemand later on10:47
r0kk3rzred, because it would match my red and black laptop10:47
r0kk3rzalso black is boring, but you can jazz it up with stickers i guess10:47
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r0kk3rzotoh, if you buy the case it matters not10:48
sebsebsebPeperJohnny: yes, but may as well fund now when I can and it's done10:49
sebsebsebPeperJohnny: I didn't get the  GPD pocket yet since....10:49
sebsebsebI can comment on indieogo once I funded too10:49
sebsebsebI can't now10:49
sebsebsebI just saw10:49
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: yes I would get the case and what not as well10:50
sebsebsebI think red one, matches the blue case/sleeve10:50
sebsebsebblack is boring10:50
sebsebsebbut can look more pro etc10:50
sebsebsebI guess fund , don't worry too much about colour, if wanting a colour change, tell him later, like some have done already in comments :d10:51
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: you have a red and black lap top ?10:51
sebsebsebpics ?10:51
sebsebseband why red ?10:51
r0kk3rzbecause that was the colour it came in10:52
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: yes and the tablet in red will probably look like that10:55
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r0kk3rzim not likely to have both on me at once though, so matching doesnt really matter10:56
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: no problem with red, and as a guy ?10:59
sebsebsebdid you specifally pick red ?10:59
r0kk3rzno, that was just the colour they had at the shop11:04
r0kk3rzi like it though11:04
sebsebsebsince diffenet colour ?11:06
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: red is maybe more girly, but really that's pink and purple I guess11:07
r0kk3rzi just do, i dont really feel the need to justify what is otherwise a completely arbitrary subjective choice11:07
sebsebsebalso you gave me a tesco link, so your in the UK like me ? England ?11:08
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r0kk3rzits just what came up on google11:08
sebsebseboh ok11:08
sebsebsebyes red would be  change :)11:09
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sebsebsebChina like red apparnatly or can do11:09
sebsebsebwell yeah china seem to like red11:09
sebsebsebfor tech11:09
r0kk3rzbut sure, if you're uncomfortable with waving around a red tablet because its 'girly' then idk dont get that one11:09
sebsebsebpeople i would possibly be showing it too, woudn't really care as such about colour i expect11:10
sebsebseband as i  put above that's really pink and purple11:10
sebsebsebI wanted something better hardwarewise to run salifsh os on11:10
sebsebsebthan the old jolla phone11:10
sebsebseband  wasn't one of the backers to get the actsaul jolla tablet  got a partial refund instead so far.    missed the annoucement of the jolla c,  was in ubuntu touch land then.   and  the intex aquafish  could import from india, but change that uk customs might get silly over it, since from india and without a CE mark as well11:11
LarstiQsebsebseb: colour perception is really cultural, pink is a men's color in certain places/times11:11
sebsebsebpeople in belgium and germany had issues trying too import that one.  oh and  the Sony Xperia X with SalifshOS, uhmm welll  that's a bit rubbish in a way really, since its just a paid rom it seems.  buy expensive phone with android first11:12
sebsebsebLarstiQ: yep some guys wear pink now as well here not so much now though, was a thing for a while though11:12
r0kk3rzmeh, do what you want and who cares about cultural norms11:12
r0kk3rzif you want a pink tablet with my little pony stickers, then do so!11:13
sebsebsebindeed well black is boring and the logos will probably look better on that tablet as mentioned earlier11:13
sebsebsebgoing by images11:13
LarstiQr0kk3rz: just trying to underline how arbitrary it is11:13
sebsebsebI would have had a like pinkey goldy meizu mx 4 phone actsaully,  but they sent me the silver one anyway11:14
sebsebsebnot the one I had ordered11:14
sebsebsebPeperJohnny: r0kk3rz apparantly the red was going to be the premium actually with 128gb but then coudnt' do that one so11:24
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pawkyThe downside with buying the Xperia X (F5121) before getting any Sailfish image is... you kinf of get to like how well Android works on it once you have rooted it and installed the right apps... :-/11:28
r0kk3rzsounds like an upside to me11:29
pawkyyou kind of get to like you suddenly can copy and paste stuff from wherever to wherever11:29
pawkywell.. if the Alien Dalvik will have more or less the same limited compatibility as the Jolla, then it will take quite some effort to leave Android to go to Sailfish...11:30
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sebsebsebpawky: true may start likeing android on it enough if got that phone, then not want to put salifsh os on later or as much or as such11:35
pawkysebsebseb: android 7 seems decent. You can limit a lot more what permissions the apps are to have on your phone11:36
sebsebsebyeah apparantly11:36
sebsebsebthey started doing permissions better with 6.011:37
pawkythus a rooted Xperia X, with AFwall+ and Xprivacy and Termux (ssh) would be a quite competitive alternative11:37
sebsebsebandroid is boring as an os though really,  Ubuntu Touch and SalifishOS more fun11:37
sebsebsebeven Firefox OS really, but yeah that's had it really so11:37
pawkybut of course, maybe a Pre beata release Image might make me reconsider ;-)11:38
pawkyhasnt Ubuntu given up on phones etc?11:38
pawkyI would of course prefer to have sailfish, with perl and what have you. But for daily use, android kind of works..11:39
sebsebsebpawky: yes but the community hasn't.  http://ubports.com11:40
phlixi_osure, you are able to limit a lot of stuff on android 7, except google, its talking to google all the time... all the limitations you can do (as a "noirmal user") always are only relevant to apps you install... of course google play services etc, is just there, already having all permissions...11:40
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pawkyphlixi_o: thats where the firewall and Xprivacy comes into play :-)11:41
pawkyand of course rooting the phone :-)11:41
pawkywhat really works is interweaving stuff in Android, take a contact, send through mms, copy link from browser, send as mail etc.11:43
pawkyThis has been quite limited when it comes to Sailfish. I always end up in a corner where suddenly some data from one source cannot be used in another app, or service.11:43
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phlixi_oand once you did that, half of the stuff no longer works11:44
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pawkyso.. bring on the pre Beta :-)11:46
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GreatEmeraldHm, recently there was a weird incident with my Jolla phone: the mobile provider said that 4G roaming internet was being used, even though I have both off20:36
GreatEmeraldSet to 2G only and roaming disabled20:36
GreatEmeraldI wonder what could have caused that, since it resulted in a silent siphoning of all the credit in the account due to that...20:37
GreatEmeraldIdeally I'd just disable mobile data altogether since I don't use it, but there's no such option20:38
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malGreatEmerald: what do you mean there is no option to disable mobile data, if course there is that option20:39
malI have always mobile data disabled when I don't need it20:40
GreatEmeraldI mean erasing settings20:42
GreatEmeraldBecause yes, obviously I also have the "Internet" option disabled20:43
GreatEmeraldThere is the "Reset to default" option in "Data access point", but it doesn't seem to do anything20:44
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GreatEmeraldI think around the time of the incident was when I updated the SailfishOS version, I wonder if there may have been a glitch with that21:00
malI don't quite understand the issue21:01
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GreatEmeraldWell, if the mobile provider sayst hat 4G was active, chances are 4G was active21:07
GreatEmeraldsays that*21:07
GreatEmeraldYet I have mobile data disabled, roaming disabled and settings set to 2G only21:07
GreatEmeraldSo there must have been some weird glitch21:08
malsounds like it, if you have mobile data disabled it should not transfer anything21:09
GreatEmeraldIt didn't transfer much, not even adding up to 1 MiB, but the mobile provider of course levied exorbitant fees just for time spent connected21:12
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malwhich version was that? the latest?21:14
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GreatEmeraldThat's the version I use now and I haven't updated since the incident, I know that for sure21:17
GreatEmeraldIt may or may not be the latest, I don't follow the versions that closely21:18
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malGreatEmerald: is the latest version21:29
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GreatEmeraldHm, OK, good to know. I usually don't update unless it has something I'd like to have22:04
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