#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2017-07-04

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pawkySo... can I go and buy an Xperia X to later on install the Sailfish OS including the android emulator/libraries?07:46
coderuspawky: sfos yes, aliendalvik most likely yes too, but a bit later iirc07:48
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pawkycoderus: sounds a bit risky...07:49
coderuspawky: as always for community phones :)07:50
pawkywill the CBeta testers have to buy the phone separately?07:50
pawkyis CBeta tester the same as people trying out the Sailfish OS pre public release?07:51
pawkyI desperately need to replace my phone soon.. :-/07:52
LarstiQpawky: if you don't know you're in cbeta, you're not in cbeta07:52
LarstiQit's not the same as early access07:53
pawkyLarstiQ: Well, i know i am getting sailfish releases pre public release...07:53
pawkyoh... :-(07:53
pawkyi am again feeling let down :'(07:53
r0kk3rzits a super secret pre-pre-release team07:53
pawkyI can be super secret :-)07:54
r0kk3rzwe might see a public initial release in a month or two, if you can hang on that long07:55
r0kk3rzmostly due to midsummer07:55
pawkyr0kk3rz: Well, i must as I have no other options... :-/07:55
pawkyr0kk3rz: But is it worth buying the X now?07:55
pawkyor MUST I buy it when its officially released to also get the Alien Dalvik?07:56
pawkyI mean, I could survive just using the X and android until the release, but after the release it is important to be able to use some software with the dalvik.07:57
pawky(bank stuff etc)07:57
pawkyr0kk3rz: Midsummer was  like two weeks ago...07:58
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pawkyI presume Jolla wont sell any hardware directly anymore, right?07:59
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LarstiQpawky: if Alien Dalivk becomes available later on, you can get it then too08:01
LarstiQpawky: you won't lock yourself out by buying an Xperia X early08:01
pawkyLarstiQ: Ahh... great!!!08:01
LarstiQpawky: the risk you take is that it might not come at all08:02
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pawkyLarstiQ: dalvik you mean?08:02
LarstiQpawky: yeah08:02
pawkyLarstiQ: maybe its possible to rip from the current?08:02
LarstiQpawky: so if you want to play it conservative, wait till Jolla has more to announce on that08:02
r0kk3rzpawky: i expect not, it might require some serious butchery for aarch6408:03
pawkywell.. i need a phone soon, its good to know I can buy the X not being left out if having to buy before relase08:03
r0kk3rzi think thats the risk, they've stated they want to bring dalvik to it08:03
pawkyI believe the dalvik is very important for the phones/os success.08:04
pawkyIn some countries all banking, etc is more or less done using your phone, and they wont for sure port it to Sailfish08:04
r0kk3rzsurely they must have a web option08:05
pawkynot for your phone08:05
r0kk3rzthats terrible08:05
pawkyquite common. They want full control over keys, and client08:05
r0kk3rzwhat country?08:06
pawkyr0kk3rz: probably a bit more secure.... probably08:06
r0kk3rzpawky: yeah, dont do research on that... just dont08:06
r0kk3rzyou arent gonna like what you see08:06
pawkyprobably.. i am just happy things work like a charm08:06
pawkyOCR reading etc :-)08:06
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r0kk3rzyeah well, if you want to use cutting edge features of things, its probably better having a supported mainstream phone :P08:07
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pawkyI have been on the Nokia/Sailfish train since the N900. :-)08:08
FireFlysame, and I'm really not sure what my next device will be >.>08:09
pawkyFireFly: For me, there's just one option Xperia X08:09
pawkyi do need a full OS on my phones.08:10
FireFlyI mean I'm sticking to the jolla 1 for now08:10
pawkyif you know what I mean08:10
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pawkyme to, but the screen gets browner by the day08:11
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pawkyI do hope there will be  a better auto correct in the future sailfish releases. I make so many spelling mistakes when using the tiny keyboard08:12
pawkyAnd I am still amazed you cannot copy paste stuff from in some situations. From dokuments (like phone numbers etc)08:15
pawkybeing able to move data between apps is fairly important08:16
r0kk3rzi make less mistakes on the jolla c, bigger screen helps08:16
pawkyI missed the opportunity to buy a C, by 1 minute :-(08:16
pawkyI really want one08:16
pawkyeven tried to buy through Russia08:17
pawkybut they never got any batch08:17
r0kk3rzthe xperia x will mostly likely be a lot better08:17
pawkyTHATS how desperately I need a new phone ;-)08:17
pawkyr0kk3rz: it is the X we can buy today right, not a newer version unreleased?08:17
r0kk3rzseems to be, read the blog post08:18
pawkyr0kk3rz: will do, my excitement seing they had written a new post made me go here in a haste ;-)08:18
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pawkyIf buying a phone, would it be any slight chance to get into that Cbeta program?08:20
pawkythe more who test, the better :-)08:20
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r0kk3rzno idea08:20
pawky(i know you Jolla people are in here ;-)  )08:21
r0kk3rzhave you ported devices before? i would say that is the required skill here08:21
pawkyr0kk3rz: Well, I presume testers with knowledge in Linux could be handy as well at times :-)08:22
pawkyI have been hacking around with the network drivers and SSDP on the Jolla ;-)08:24
r0kk3rzafaiu cbeta is more for people intimately familiar with the os internals, and dont just report bugs but detailed analysis and possible solutions08:24
r0kk3rzand you dont ask to join, they ask you08:24
pawkyr0kk3rz: well.. i think I am quite familiar with it...  and now they know they can ask :-)08:25
pawkyI succeeded to hack my stock trading program in Sailfish... that needs at least some skill I presume...08:27
pawkyIts not that it will cost Jolla more to also let me try things out ;-)08:28
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r0kk3rzits not me you need to convince08:32
pawkyI know... but these walls might have ears08:32
pawkyi think it would be fair to make they who want to hack to be able do download the release even if not being in the CBeta group08:33
r0kk3rzthey usually dont announce the goings in cbeta for this reason08:34
r0kk3rz*goings on08:34
pawkythis I know, but is this the right aproach?08:35
LarstiQpawky: it takes resources to deal with feedback08:35
pawkywell.. but it still could be channeled, just let the "outsiders" feedbak be of less priority08:36
pawkyor make us wait with our feedback.08:36
r0kk3rzthats why they still have early access group08:37
r0kk3rzits a staged roll out, i expect we will see some kind of pre-release for hackers in time08:37
pawkythey can still have it, just let they who want download it08:37
pawkyr0kk3rz: now thats the spirit08:38
pawkyi just want to download test, and if/when someone wants the feedback, it will happily be provided08:39
r0kk3rzso wait08:42
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pawkyi prefer, download, install and wait08:46
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mornfallpawky: that wouldn't work, since they plan to charge for the downloads09:02
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pawkymornfall: now that's interesting.... for that to work you would have to be able to buy the phone without any other OS.10:32
pawkyIt is however not to uncommon to be able to download betas for free, and later on pay for the release.10:33
r0kk3rzphone comes with android, thats just the way it is10:34
pawkyThen it might be an upphill battle to get people to pay for the OS...10:34
pawkyThen again, I'm not working on Jollas marketing division, who am I to know...10:35
r0kk3rzits less about marketing, and more about what is actually possible10:35
r0kk3rzsony arent going to do a special xperia x release for it10:35
r0kk3rzotherwise it would come preinstalled, rather than some assembly required10:36
pawkyIll bet that will not be a hit, to charge for it. If they really want it to be one, they should really include people like me into pre releases and what have you10:36
pawkyr0kk3rz: exactly.. preinstalled, people would pay.10:36
r0kk3rzyes, we get it, you want the image NAOW10:36
r0kk3rzim not sure they expect it to be a 'hit', merely 'this is all we can offer in europe for our fans, sorry guys'10:37
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r0kk3rzie. for people who like the OS, and have aging jphones and need something new10:38
pawkyI must admit I have a gazilion of unused Windows licenses of the same reason. But I believe the extra hazzle for people putting Linux into a Windows machine, no matter fre of charge, also is to much to ask for most users.10:38
pawkyr0kk3rz: Well, for me, its ok to sponsor Jolla by buying the OS and hack a phone.10:39
LarstiQpawky: that is why there was the "want to make it as easy as possible for regular users" in the community meeting10:39
pawkyBut the rest of the world probably wants it pre installed.10:39
LarstiQpawky: realistically speaking, s/rest of the world/existing community/10:40
pawkyLarstiQ: Well, but I believe many in here actually do not need it over simplified. I believe most of us already having swapped several Android ROMS and what have you.10:40
pawkyMaybe doing it extra easy will be to over engineer things not necessary for the big growd ;-)10:40
r0kk3rzpawky: to truely comply with the licence, you'll have to build your own AOSP base :P10:41
abransonpawky: i think that's a good point, but I think it's still a subset. I know a few Jolla 1 users who are nervous about buying a new phone and flashing it.10:41
r0kk3rzbut we can do better10:41
Renaultpawky: it is possible to do that, anybody can create a company to install SailfishOS on several devices10:41
entilI don't know if this is going on a tangent here, but as a community user, I find the upgrade pretty much the only part that would put me off if I hadn't learned the hoops10:41
entilpartly because of that and partly because the port works well enough, I still delay upgrading10:42
pawkyWell, as long as the hardware manufacturers arent fighting us by restricting the possibilities to swap ROMS or do a factory reset, Quite many will have a go even if its a bit of a challenge.10:44
pawkyyou only need someone might be out there should you brick it.10:44
pawky(to know)10:44
entilinstalling on the fp2 was quite straight-forward10:44
entilof course different phones are different10:45
pawkyAs Sailfish is linux... shouldnt the source code be downloadable once the release is out?10:45
pawkylicense wise?10:45
LarstiQpawky: yes/no10:45
pawkyof course not the Dalvik.. but the rest?10:46
LarstiQpawky: http://releases.sailfishos.org/sources/ for the open bits10:46
pawkyLarstiQ: what will be missing?10:46
r0kk3rzits reasonably difficult to brick a sony phone because they give you flashing tools10:46
pawkyr0kk3rz: exactly10:46
pawkyhence Jolla might not need to over engineer the installer on the first run :-)10:46
entilaren't some of the UI components also closed, or have they been opened by now?10:47
pawkymaybe someone in the community could later on create the one click wonder install; as an app  ;-)10:47
entilupgrades would benefit from that10:47
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entilota gui10:48
pawkyi presume one will not be able to install a current Sailfish version on a X, right?10:49
r0kk3rzwhat current version?10:50
pawkythe one on my... Jolla phone?10:50
r0kk3rzyou arent even wrong :P10:50
pawkyits a totally different CPU I presume10:51
r0kk3rzyou need an adaptation for the device10:51
pawkydifferent architecture?10:51
r0kk3rzotherwise wtf have the porters been doing all this time10:51
pawkyLr0kk3rz: LOL10:51
pawky64 bit port?10:51
r0kk3rzthats part of it, but its device specific10:52
pawkyAre there 2 X phones? a standard and a slim?10:57
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pawkyDo I need the 64GB variant, or will the 32gb do?11:02
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pawkyWill Sailfish also be installable on the XA and XZ versions?11:13
RaYmAnXA is an entirely different platform (mediatek)11:14
pawkyRaYmAn: oh.. ok so it needs to be the X only, will 32gb suffice?11:14
RaYmAnI have no idea, I only know about the phones, not the sailfish part :P11:14
RaYmAnI think I have the 32gb version11:15
LarstiQpawky: f5121 only for now11:15
pawkyLarstiQ: Ok :-)11:15
pawkyLarstiQ: F5122, not?11:16
LarstiQpawky: no. Please read the blogpost/faq and community meetings11:16
RaYmAnI suspect it'll work though, just not gsm :P11:16
r0kk3rzin other sony variants it still needs to be rebuilt though11:17
r0kk3rzthe same image wont boot11:17
pawkyThen the F5121 it is! :-P11:18
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r0kk3rzLarstiQ: obviously pawky likes the personal treatment available here :)11:18
pawkyr0kk3rz:  B-)11:19
LarstiQr0kk3rz: yeah, I'm going to throw this channel on ignore to get some work done11:19
pawkyLarstiQ: oh nooooooooo.....11:19
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r0kk3rzLarstiQ: engaging with your community *is* work11:20
LarstiQr0kk3rz: I have _specific_ work that needs doing before tomorrow11:21
pawkyLarstiQ: I am bored at work... who could tell ;-)11:21
pawkyThe current Jolla phone isnt to keen on SSDP, which is what most Sony cameras and peripherals use to communicate. As the Xperia X is a Sony, will this actually be working in the Sailfish release? :-)11:27
pawkyor to be more correct, will the Alien Dalvik recognise this type of traffic?11:30
r0kk3rzi doubt it11:30
pawkySSDP actually works fine on the current when using perl :-)11:31
pawkyr0kk3rz: but that would be a bit against Sony's idea wouldn't you say?11:31
pawkyThey want us to connect more, and more , and more....11:31
r0kk3rzwhat idea?11:31
r0kk3rzthis isnt a sony product11:31
pawkyis Sony Xperia X not a Sony produkt?11:32
RaYmAnif Sony was actually properly involved, presumably it wouldn't require unlocking your device :P11:32
r0kk3rzwith android it is, but once you hack with it then it becomes something else11:32
pawkywell.. in the current case its the Dalvik that ignores the SSDP traffic somehow....11:33
pawky(current Sailfish)11:33
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TMavicaIt is extremely difficult find Xperia X in Hong Kong12:05
pawkyTMavica: Amazon? :-)12:07
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TMavicaHave link?12:19
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masquethe new arm 64bit build for xperia will also run every current 32bit applications in jolla store and openrepos, or they need to be recompiled for arm 64bit?12:26
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malmasque: for now the userspace is 32-bit, only 64-bit kernel and maybe some android side libs are 64-bit12:29
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KabouikSituations app does not see my custom-made Ambiances, even though they are selected as favorites in Jolla Settings. How can I fix this?15:17
r0kk3rztalk to the people who make situations?15:22
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KabouikI hoped they would be here r0kk3rz! :]15:58
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kimmoliKabouik: self made ambiances are a bit different than stock ones.18:53
kimmoliyou can make ambiance package out of your own and install.18:54
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tiwakeoh hey19:18
* tiwake reads19:18
RZye that's pretty cool19:19
tiwakeok so you can buy an Xperia and install SailfishOS on it19:19
tiwakeafter I build my server next month I'll grab one of those phones I think19:20
RZmight not be that simple, early beta and all19:20
tiwakeI won't build my server till mid-next month19:21
phlixii hope jolla does not have time forever to finish the image, in order to be able to care about "core customers" again (china, rus etc...)19:22
tiwakejolla kinda got screwed with the tablet thing19:24
tiwakewell, its moving along anyway19:26
tiwakemaybe it will be ready for christmas19:26
phlixii am actually consifent it will be a bit sooner19:27
phlixiits software, you make updates for software. much easier than for hardware :-)19:28
phlixion the other hand19:28
tiwakesoftware is a lot of times more complicated than hardware though19:28
phlixisome of the early releases took 2 months or so until the got rolled out?19:28
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phlixiif one would compare this to that, and give credit, that this might be a bigger release than lets say a regular point release...19:29
phlixii think september is realistic beeing optimistic :-)19:30
phlixi..at least for a blog update :D19:30
tiwakeif they offer the Xperia, or a 1/2 off coupon or something to such a device to people who payed for the tablet, I'd be fine with that19:30
phlixii think there is something in the comments about giving discount for the image instead of refund19:31
tiwakeoh, the OS is going to cost on top of the device?19:32
phlixiwell, probably the other way around, i doubt the image will be 150EUR19:32
phlixiafaik this is official that it will cost something19:32
tiwakegotta make money somehow I guess19:33
phlixii am happy to pay for the image, makes me more confident i am a customer19:33
phlixii do not like all the free stuff you get everywhere19:33
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phlixi(when offered by big corporations, thatsw obviously somethign different for e.g. FOSS)19:34
phlixialso i doubt there will be vauchers for sony devices or similar19:34
phlixiits speculation from my side, but it seems like a big benefit for jolla, to not be the one selling the hardware (and having to take care with broken stuff etc)19:35
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phlixion the other hand, i see a bit of pr potential in giving vauchers or something like that19:37
r0kk3rztiwake: i think its less about making money, and more about not losing so much19:39
tiwakeI understand that too... lol19:40
tiwakeeffort takes time, and time is money19:40
r0kk3rzand things licenced from third-party companies cost money too19:41
phlixialso there are probably licence fees (or similar) involved, at leat for alien dalvik, exchange support and the keyboard thingy19:41
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